Energy Saving Measures Save Money!

- Updating your central heating controls could save you up to £60-£70 a year, as well as increasing your comfort conditions.
- Upgrading your boiler to a condensing boiler could save you £180 -£360 a year!
A 80mm thick, hot water cylinder jacket will save you £30 per year, lagging the hot water pipework could save you money.
Turn your thermostat down. Reducing your room temperature by 1°C could cut your heating bills by up to 10 %, saving you around £60 per year.
- Installing thermostatic radiator valves can save you £20 a year on your heating bills, as well as increasing your comfort conditions
- A cylinder thermostat, properly fitted and set, could save you £15 a year.
For more advice on saving money and energy please click on the link below.